Friday, 8 August 2014

Microsoft pulling the plug on old versions of IE

So we reported recently that Microsoft would be updating its IE software to protect against older, malicious plug-in malware.
The catch was, the new updates would leave older versions of Internet Explorer left to fend for themselves. New info reveals that Microsoft is going to be pulling the plug on older versions of IE.
This is a move to get users to update to the newer software offered by Microsoft, which explains that IE 11 is a faster, more secure web experience, and that users are halting the progress of developers who need to spend time coding for older web technology that doesn’t play nice with modern web tech.
So when will Big M finally decide to pull the plug? January 12th, 2016, and after that, the company will no longer support any versions other than the current IE build: IE 11. Microsoft even provided links to users to different resources that assist with browser migration.
Microsoft was sure to point out that cutoff will not affect businesses that may need to use company resources that rely on older web applications. IE 11′s Enterprise Mode allows backwards compatibility for less- than-current web apps.
What do you think of the cutoff date? Aggressive move by Microsoft? Or necessary for IE to grow?

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